Michele Malo: Fiction

Michele Malo, AuthorA Seattle native, Michele Malo lives in the city with her dog, Mario.
She loves gardens and travel and hanging out with her grandchildren.
A Summer in Peach Creek is the first in a series inspired by her mother’s journals from the 1930s. Learn more and sign up for the author’s newsletter at www.michelemaloauthor.com…


A Summer in Peach Creek

It is 1932 and teenaged Faith Dansworth travels from Seattle to Peach Creek, West Virginia for a visit with relatives. In the coal-rich Appalachian Mountains, the challenges of the Great Depression, mining wars, Prohibition, and segregation are all around, like the unfamiliar heat and humidity. Faith, however, is immersed in family reunions, church socials, parades, and picnics.  When a scandalous murder occurs, Faith discovers the corrupt underbelly of Logan County and the hypocrisy of certain citizens.

As summer progresses and peaches grow, Faith finds her own moral center. Family bonds are strengthened through challenges and hard lessons learned during this messy and glorious summer in Peach Creek. Learn more…