What People Say About Nzinga

From readers:

Readers’ comments on Amazon about Nzinga, African Warrior Queen…
Readers’ comments on Goodreads… 
On Wayne Turmel’s blog… 

In the journals:

Historical Novel Society

Nzinga, African Warrior Queen - Moses Howard“…The amazing essence of this novel, however, concerns the communication of the women around Nzinga, their sharing of joys and sorrows, their ability to feast, work, and strategize with perfect balance. Their world is depicted as a celebration of life and a supernatural belief fleshed out in their devotion to each other and their Ngola. Formidable as the Portuguese might have been, they didn’t have a chance against the woman destined to become the first African Warrior Queen and her retinue. Stunning, beautiful and outstanding historical fiction, and highly recommended reading!…”

Portland Book Review

“…What Howard does well is create characters with incredible depth that flesh out the fragments of facts and myths surrounding her existence. His story includes not only the devotion and dedication of family and friends, but also the human intrigues of living with a people who are occupiers as well as the culture, family and times in which she lived…”

Kirkus Review:

“…Thoroughly researched, the book includes a useful list of characters, some of the author’s own notes on the text, as well as some further reference materials for those who wish to know more about this unapproachable queen.”

More from readers:

Dr. Eve Thompson, College of the Siskiyous (retired)

Move over Irving Stone, Moses Howard has penned a novel that makes The Agony and the Ecstasy look like the work of an amateur!
From the first to the last word, Nzinga, African Warrior Queen, will capture your heart, imagination, and instill within you a most profound respect for the heroine, Nzinga, her people, and her struggles with life’s adversities. – Read More –

Elspeth from Shoreline

“…[T]his is not so much like reading but more like gliding down a river: effortless, natural. The words carry you along… I lingered over all kinds of passages, for example a list of precisely what items were brought to market in that time and place (fascinating-­-I hadn’t known before–and not a digression but rather an essential element that heightens the reality).
…[T]he world is already way oversupplied with Eurocentric renditions of history. Didn’t the Portuguese often claim as their motive that “We (Portuguese) are grafting the flower of our civilization onto those dark indigenous roots…”? [This] novel gives us the daily experience of people, including-­-thank you–the experience of women, and lots more besides.”